Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Interior Design; Mixing Finishes in Décor

By Stephanie Morrison, Morr Interiors

Design evolves and elements used in interior design over years ago are now making a comeback. One in particular is brass. However, not the sheen we’re used to seeing. Since it has evolved and I’ve mixed this finish with others in a plethora of designs, I’ve decided to share with you my thoughts, as well as another, the use of “text” in décor.

As a model home merchandiser, furnishing model homes for builders in residential communities, I have the opportunity to blend elements in rooms and leave people with a memorable impression.  When a homeowner buying into the community calls and wants to hire you for your services and says “I loved the pillow on the sofa that read R-­‐E-­‐L-­‐A-­‐X it made me feel right at home,” this resonates within you and makes you feel they’ve enjoyed the space. Some rooms don’t need to feel like a billboard. Sometimes you can peak interest in the littlest details, which is all about execution. I love the use of phrases or letters in décor. To me, it makes a space feel personal and adds charm. “Relax” “Keep Calm” or an alphabet letter as artwork that represents the homeowner’s first or last name, sends a message to our brain and makes us remember the space.

One of my personal favorites is throwing caution to the wind and diving into this trend of mixing warm metals, such as copper and rose gold, with cool ones like silver.  It’s become a very popular modern day trend. Bright gold with a sleek finish, mixed with black on light fixtures or end tables makes a retro statement. It’s not the typical brass gold finish we were used to seeing in the 80’s and replaced in the new century. As a designer, I’m no longer interested in matching every metal finish in a single room…“It’s too staged.” Adding black or silver is riskier and highly stylish.

You do have to find a way to balance the colors and once you do, I think you’ll see how warm this finish is now.